Reporter David Modell films a remarkable film spent in the questionable company of Mark Collett, leader of the youth wing of the British National Party, a white supremacist party, and reveals the true nature of a party trying to reinvent itself and broaden its appeal. A rising star of the party, Collet reveals to Modell his deeply held Nazi sympathies. This despite the party’s claim it no longer has any association with Nazism. A truly en lighting and disturbing film.
David Modell makes a documentary on the six months spent in the questionable company of Mark Collett, leader of the youth wing of the British National Party. The filmmaker exposes the real nature of a party trying to reinvent itself and broaden its appeal.
The film showcases a rising star of the party, Collet and his Nazi sympathies. This despite the party’s claim it no longer has any association with Nazism.
Modell is interested in trying to determine and understand what motivated Collett to throw in his lot with a party which will make earn him the anger of the public and make him a hated political figure.
The filmmaker Modell shares little with his subject and takes an exception to some of Collett’s interests like rabid anti-Semitism.