It is the largest heavy load transport on earth! The maiden voyage of the biggest containership of all times. It is the largest heavy load transport on earth!
When the first ship of the brand-new OOCL-fleet gets underway, more cargo is moved at one time than anywhere else in the world and ever before.
At 21,100 TEU capacity, the vessels are the largest ever ordered to date. 400 meters long and about as wide as a football field (58.8 meters). These ships will not only be able to load more cargo than ever before, they will also be equipped with a number of high-class energy-saving systems.
This Episode shows the maiden voyage of the OOCL HONG KONG. Everything happens for the first time: the captain, the pilots and the harbor crew have never before maneuvered a giant ship like this. Berthing, loading, steering: Risky maneuvers, which have never been tested before. Once berthed, the cargo loading pushes everyone involved to the limit.Crew, Crane operators and the lashing team.
A loading procedure like this, with additional containers on top of the so far known stacking limit, has only been theoretically discussed, but never tested in real life.
World’s Biggest Containership | Mega Transports

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Riyan H.