World’s Biggest Airplane Junkyard & Living in a Graveyard | Mystery Places

Sep 12, 2023 | Environmental, Videos

In Mystery Places, the documentary series takes viewers on a journey around the world to explore some of the most fascinating, mysterious and unknown locations. In this episode, we travel to Taiwan, Laos, Thailand and Arizona in the United States to uncover stories that could be part of a Hollywood thriller.

In Taiwan, we get an up close look at UFO house that serves as a research center for extraterrestrial beings. The locals have experienced numerous paranormal activities within its walls and are eager to share their experiences with us. We then visit Tucson in Arizona โ€“ home to the US Air Force aircraft and missile storage and maintenance facility. Here we learn about how these powerful weapons are being kept in check and discover more about their inner workings.

Further along our journey, we arrive in Laos where people use remnants of war ammunition as everyday objects such as furniture and tools. We also explore traditional funeral rites in Thailand and meet a family who actually live in a graveyard!

It is clear that Mystery Places offers viewers an enthralling adventure into some unimaginably interesting places. From UFO houses to living among the dead, this documentary will leave viewers stunned by its captivating stories filled with unexpected twists and turns. If youโ€™re looking for an entertaining show with an educational spin then make sure to watch Mystery Place on your favorite streaming platform!

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David B