War/Dance is a 2007 American documentary composed and directed by Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine. The producer is Susan MacLaury, a teacher at Kean University along with Albie Hecht. It received nomination for the 2008 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature and won the Emmy Award for Best Documentary and Best Cinematography in 2010.
The story follows three kids, Nancy, a 13-year-old choir member, Rose, a 14-year-old dance student and Dominic, a 14-year-old xylophonist. They are individuals from the group of Acholi ethnics, residing in the far north of Uganda, placed in a refugee camp of Patongo, which is guarded by the Lord’s Resistance Army, a terrorist amass that has been opposing the government for as long as two decades.
In 2005, the camp’s grade school won its provincial music rivalry and headed to Kampala to take part in the yearly National Music Competition. War/Dance concentrates on three of the eight classifications: Western choral execution, instrumental music, and conventional move, where the understudies perform the Bwola, the move of the Acholi.
Throughout the span of three months, the film’s imaginative group watches the three adolescents as they get ready for the occasion and increase their certainty enough to have them talk about the loathings they have encountered and express their individual reasons for alarm, trusts, and dreams.
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