If you read Ancient Greece mythology, you will quickly think that Zeus was the Casanova of Ancient Greece. And that is not a far-fetched assumption.
The Fathers of Gods and Men had a number of consorts before and after his marriage to Hera. His first and favorite lover was Metis, a Titan goddess and mother of Athena.
And he also impregnated an ordinary lady, the mother of Hercules. Zeus took many lovers. Another story is his affair with the mortal Semele, after he saw her sacrifice a bull in his honor. She is the mother of Dionysus. Hera discovered his infidelity, but Zeus managed to save their unborn child from the womb.
What is even funnier is that Zeus didn’t limit his metamorphosing-seduction techniques to the ladies. He also had a couple of lovers, and was attracted to young men as well.
For example, according to the mythology of Ancient Greece, Zeus was attracted to a young man named Ganymede. He turned himself into an eagle, and abducted the man to Olympus.
The Sad Stories of Zeus Lovers – Greek Mythology Stories

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Riyan H.