The Devil at Your Heels, a documentary directed by Ron Mann, tells the gripping story of Terry Fox – a young man who embarked on a mission to run across Canada in order to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Despite facing numerous physical and emotional challenges along the way, Terry refused to give up until his body forced him to cease his valiant effort.
The documentary follows Terry’s journey from the very start of it – when he had his leg amputated due to osteosarcoma at only eighteen years old – all the way to its heartbreaking conclusion. By interweaving archival footage and emotional interviews with family members and others involved in Terry’s historic quest, The Devil at Your Heels paints a vivid picture of both the difficult moments and moments of triumph that defined Terry’s inspiring mission.
Through this powerful story, The Devil at Your Heels not only serves as an important reminder that one person can make an enormous difference in this world, but also brings attention to an issue which is still relevant today: cancer research. We are encouraged to take action and support the cause that was so close to Terry’s heart.
Whether you are familiar with Terry Fox’s legacy or you’ve never heard of him before, don’t miss out on this chance to learn more about one of Canada