This PBS documentary by award-winning filmmaker David Grubin and narrated by Richard Gere, tells the story of the Buddha’s life, a journey especially relevant for our times disturbing violent change and spiritual confusion.
It features the work of some of the world’s greatest artists and sculptors through two millennia, has represented the life of Buddha in the art of great beauty and complexity.
Hear ideas on the ancient story of contemporary Buddhists, as Pulitzer Prize-winning poet WAS Merwin and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Join the conversation and learn more about meditation, history of Buddhism, and how to incorporate the teachings of the Buddha of compassion and care in everyday life.
1500 Two years ago in northern India, Prince Siddhartha left his palace where he had spent twenty-nine years to enjoy the pleasures. He was determined to understand the nature of human suffering. After a grueling spiritual quest that lasted six years, finally attains enlightenment meditating under a fig tree.
He became the Buddha, the “awake” and devoted the rest of his life to teaching the path to enlightenment that he had found, giving birth to one of the great world religions.