In one of the last rebel strongholds of Syria’s civil war, Alaa Aljaleel, a paramedic, takes care of injured and abandoned cats. Despite the human crisis that surrounds him, Alaa focuses on serving animal victims of war in addition to people. His efforts to aid vulnerable animals have brought hope not only to the felines he nurses but also to thousands of people and animals seeking refuge.
Around 400 cats live with Alaa in his animal shelter, and a few more drop by now and then when they’re hungry. Alaa’s mission is not without its detractors, though. He has faced criticism for prioritizing animals over people in a war-torn region with millions of refugees struggling to survive. Nonetheless, his motto, “humanity also means not forgetting the animals,” continues to inspire many. These and more stories of Alaa’s indomitable spirit and his animal rescue mission are captured in a heartwarming documentary titled ‘The Cat Rescuer of Idlib’, a report by Omar Albam.
Syria: Animal rescue in times of war

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