
Nov 16, 2022 | Nature, Videos

You are starting a journey to a world of senses other than your own… We experience life through the five main senses, but even these are better developed in some animals known. Smell your way across an ocean as salmon do. See through the eyes of various aspects of a fly, which is a human hand when he is about to attack. Amazing effects reveal the secrets of animal perception.

Episode 1: The Sixth Sense The animals use their senses of human beings who are unaware. Sensitivity to electromagnetic fields of the earth, or time pressure, can be used to aid navigation. Some animals can predict earthquakes. Predators to put these non-lethal ways to use: a shark in the homes of the electricity of the body of its prey, the vampire bats detect infrared radiation from the blood, a rattlesnake and see a picture of the warmth of his victim.

Episode 2: The sense view A vulture can detect a carcass from a great distance, four-eyed fish can see above and below the water at the same time, a fly’s multifaceted eye sees a world very different from a human eye, while other insects can see ultraviolet light. And the Lions have an area of the retina that, in fact empathize with their prey.

Episode 3: The sense of sound The human ear is limited in scope and are deaf to record a conversation or the elephant under pitched squealing mice. Whales use sound to communicate over hundreds of miles of ocean, while the spiders while listening to the beating of wings of the dam and the kangaroo rat has a sensitive ear can hear strike rattlesnake – and avoid . Birds, in turn, use sound to detect changes in climate and as an aid to navigation.

Episode 4: Super Scents The smell is very useful in hunting, protection of a species, mating … and navigation. Petrels use it to find fish in the open sea, springbok issue a “warning” the smell of the herd as an indicator of a predator, salamanders, females inject their aphrodisiac, and epic journey of a salmon in the sea to spawn and die is achieved through their sense of smell.

Episode 5: timing Courtship, egg laying, hibernation … The cycles of the earth, moon and sun are the rhythms that govern life. The perception of all animals of time varies according to your heart rate.A shrew lives 30 times faster than an elephant, so the time seems to pass more slowly. Also shown is a rare eruption of 17 years of U.S. cricket.

Episode 6: Making Sense The end of the film shows how each animal has a unique view of the world derives from a combination of different senses.The mind creates mental maps of navigational skills, which can also be affected by genetic programming. Other super-senses are the result of the need to hunt or avoid being eaten. The mind decides what skills you need to survive.

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Riyan H.