This documentary was released in 2010 and is looking into the military base complex of the U.S. Army and the impact that they have on the local communities in which they are based in. The directors of this extraordinary film are Thomas Fazi and Enrico Parenti.
At any given time there are more than 250.000 U.S. soldiers dispatched and stationed around the world in more than 700 bases. The number of the dispatched soldiers is constantly increasing. The documentary is also concerned with the thesis that the system of the U.S. military bases is quite similar to the system of colonies in an empire. This particular system is to be blamed for the occurrence of the displacement of any given native population throughout history.
Among the interviewed parties in this documentary is the former CIA consultant Chalmers Johnson, who states that, the American global power status is jeopardized by the occurrence of a hybrid type of imperialism which carries enough destructive force to contribute to the decline of the U.S. status.
This documentary won a number of awards including the best documentary award at the SiciliAmbiente Film Festival and the award on International 1001 Documentary Film Festival in Istanbul.
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