Throughout the world, roses speak an unmistakeable language. They have touched and seduced mankind for thousands of years, while their names and varieties reflect contemporary history.
One of the most famous varieties – the Gloria Dei or Peace Rose – has elevated the rose to a symbol of world-peace. Being the most successful garden rose of all time this documentary retraces a large portion of the history of rose cultivation in Europe by its means.
All of these manmade varieties also have wild rose ancestors – life giving, thorny monsters, which charm us once a year with their luxuriant flowers and perfect beauties.
The film presents the biological features of roses and explains why they are capable of producing such an abundance of varieties. How are humans and animals affected by the composition of the scent of roses?
Why do some white garden roses develop red spots when it rains? And why do red spiders fall in love with the bikini rose? Besides these interesting facts the environmental significance of roses are also explored, both at home in our gardens and for animals in the wild.
Rose – Queen of Flowers – The Secrets of Nature
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Riyan H.