“In this special program broadcast by Discovery Channel, viewers gain an exclusive glimpse at the extraordinary life of four men who have made millions of people making their mark across the Middle East.
Meet Abu Dhabi’s Sheikh Hamad Al Nahyan, who is one of the collections of the world’s most exclusive cars. Has spent more than € 20 million to build a great collection of all imaginable vehicle and then proceeded to build a pyramid in the desert of garage at 200 of them. But his passion for engines does not stop there and he has designed and built everything from a full sized Noah’s Ark of a fleet of amphibious vehicles.
Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Maktoum Dubai Al Maktoum wants to change the face of motor sport forever. As a senior member of the ruling family of Dubai has used its influence and money to establish the new A1 Grand Prix as a rival to the F1 circuit. It has injected a substantial amount of his own money in the estimate of € 320 million initial costs, not to mention the cash prize of 55 million euros for the first three seasons.”