The documentary V.S. Ramachandran: The Boy with the Phantom Limb – directed by Adam Larsen – takes an insightful look into the life of renowned neurologist V.S. Ramachandran and his groundbreaking work studying patients with neurological disorders.

As a professor at UC San Diego and director of the UCSD Center for Brain and Cognition, Dr. Ramachandran has been exploring the mysteries of the brain for over three decades. His research focuses on understanding how humans perceive, learn, and create meaning from their environments through neurological studies of those suffering from unusual afflictions such as anosognosia, phantom limb pain, blindsight, and more.

Dr. Ramachandran is a world-renowned expert in these fields and has made remarkable progress in helping people to better understand themselves by looking closely at the deficits revealed by these unique cases. He has done so with empathy, clinical intuition, and a deep curiosity about why certain deficits exist in the first place—opening up conversations about what it means to be human and how we might even expand what it means to be conscious beyond our current understanding today.

This documentary provides tremendous insight into Dr. Ramachandran’s world-altering work, painting a vivid picture of both his successes as well as his challenges encountered along the way. It offers viewers an extraordinary chance to explore his pioneering research further in order to gain a greater understanding of human perception—all while being highly entertaining at the same time!

Whether you’re a scientist interested in neuroscience or simply someone who appreciates learning more about why we think and act as we do, this documentary will no doubt captivate your attention while teaching you something new about yourself—so don’t miss out!