ONE: The Movie is an independent documentary that explores the meaning of life in a unique way. Created and directed by Michigan filmmakers Scott Carter, Ward M. Powers and Diane Powers, this insightful and thought-provoking film features world-renowned spiritual teachers such as Deepak Chopra, Robert Thurman, Thich Nhat Hahn, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, and more.
The movie touches on fundamental questions about life – from the exploration of our individual identities to our collective purpose. Through exploring these topics with inspiring examples and stories, ONE: The Movie provides its audience with an opportunity to reflect on their own beliefs, values, experiences and understanding of life.
When the movie was originally released in 2005 through 2007 it was shown in movie theaters all across North America as well as at hundreds of community events. An English version was released on DVD in 2007 for those looking to watch it from the comfort of their home.
If you’re looking for an inspiring story or to explore your own understanding of life’s greatest mysteries then be sure to check out ONE: The Movie. This thought-provoking documentary will truly leave you feeling uplifted and motivated!