One Man, Six Wives and 29 Children

Jun 29, 2024 | Social, Videos

Detailing a misunderstood lifestyle in the heart of the Utah desert, One Man, Six Wives and 29 Children is a 1999 documentary that dives deep into the life of an honest-to-goodness polygamist and his large family. The film documents their daily routine, while also exploring the religious beliefs of the Fundamentalist Mormon faith that underpins their way of life.

Through both intimate interviews and vivid cinematography, viewers are taken on a journey to understand how this unique family functions—and to discover why polygamy has been such an integral part of their culture for so long. The film looks beyond stereotypes to examine the difficult decisions that must be made in order to maintain this lifestyle. It’s an eye-opening experience that will leave audiences with a better understanding of why these people choose to live by their own set of rules.

One Man, Six Wives and 29 Children is sure to be an entertaining and educational experience for any viewer willing to take a nuanced look at this often-misunderstood way of life. The documentary will leave you with questions about your own beliefs and convictions, all while providing an inside peek at what it’s like for this family to witness generations come and go in this little corner of Utah. If you’re looking for an interesting story with plenty of drama—you won’t want to miss One Man, Six Wives and 29 Children!

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David B