Mary Monday’s Radio

Oct 9, 2023 | People, Videos


Mary Monday is an extraordinary journalist whose work brings the plight of Ugandan refugees to light. As a reporter for a Ugandan radio station, she uses nothing more than her cell phone and a portable solar-powered charger to document, edit, and report on the stories of those living in Uganda’s largest refugee camp.

Mary faces dangers that most journalists cannot even fathom; however, her dedication to the truth remains unwavering. Her poignant stories bring out the fear, despair and hope that drive those living in the camp and give listeners an honest glimpse into their lives.

The documentary centered around Mary Monday provides another layer of depth into her mission; viewers will have the opportunity to see firsthand how she meets with refugees from different countries and cultures, speaks with them about their experiences, what they miss from home – all while facing the difficulties of working in such dangerous conditions without compromising on her journalistic integrity.

In an age where it can be hard to trust media sources, Mary Monday is an important reminder that truth still exists. By watching this documentary, viewers can gain a deeper understanding of current affairs and help support Mary’s mission to give voice to those who may otherwise remain unheard.

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David B