Life as Jewish settler in the West Bank

Jul 28, 2023 | People, Social, Videos

The documentary “Living Together” follows the lives of Chaya Tal, a young German Jewish settler, and Abu Awwad, a Palestinian man who lost his brother at an Israeli checkpoint. This movie explores how these two individuals come together to seek a solution for years of conflict in their region. Their story uniquely reveals the realities of life in the West Bank, with 430,000 Jewish settlers living among 2.7 million Palestinians. In this tense environment, Chaya’s presence alone is a provocation for many Palestinians.
As the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain seek to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, Chaya, Abu Awwad, and Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger come up with a new idea to ease the situation on the ground. This documentary film shows the power of communication and how it can lead to a peaceful solution. After watching “Living Together,” audiences will gain a new perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and be inspired to seek peaceful solutions in their own lives.

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David B