Albert Einstein is one of the most influential people in the world of science. There is no clear answer who is the most influential. Some people will say Nikola Tesla, some will say Einstein.
But one thing is clear. Albert developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics. His influence on the philosophy of science is non-debatable.
Born in 1979 in Germany, Einstein moved to the United States during World War II. He was also responsible for working on the atomic bomb. He wrote a letter to President Roosevelt, warning him that the Germans are working on nuclear weapons, and suggested USA start its own atomic bomb project. That is how “Project Manhattan” was born.
This documentary gives you a clear view into what Einstein’s thought process during some of his biggest revelations was. Putting the emphasis on the enigma of space and time, the documentary portrays Einstein as one of the geniuses of the previous century. And rightfully so.