India’s Daughter, the powerful documentary by Leslee Udwin, tells the story of Jyoti Singh – a 23 year old medical student who was brutally raped and murdered by a gang of six men in December 2012. Her heartbreaking death sparked protests around the world and brought greater attention to India’s long struggle with gender violence and misogyny.

The documentary follows the courtroom proceedings as well as interviews with members of Jyoti’s family, her friends, and some of those involved in her case. It powerfully reveals how deep-rooted sexism still exists in modern-day India, and how attitudes towards women are fosterd from an early age.

The true tragedy of Jyoti’s story is that her death wasn’t an isolated incident; thousands of women experience similar violence each year. As such, India’s Daughter serves as an important reminder that gender-based violence must be addressed on a global scale if we are ever to achieve true equality for all genders.

India’s Daughter is ultimately an inspiring film – one which raises important questions about gender inequality today. We strongly encourage everyone to watch this thought-provoking documentary and gain greater insight into India’s struggles with gender violence and misogyny.