The documentary film How Steve Jobs Changed the World provides a fascinating glimpse into the life of one of the most influential figures in modern history. Jobs is credited with revolutionizing how we use technology, from the introduction of the personal computer to advances in entertainment and communication.

Jobs’ vision of a computer for everyone led to the development of a range of devices including the Macintosh, iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad. These devices have changed how people work, play and communicate by offering easy access to powerful tools.

The documentary explores how Jobs was able to inspire people around him to develop more ambitious products than had ever been created before; from software developer Bill Atkinson’s revolutionary QuickDraw program to Jony Ive’s iconic design for the iMac.

The film also looks at some of Jobs’ other technological achievements such as transforming iTunes into an online music store and creating Pixar Animation Studios with Ed Catmull – maker of films including Toy Story and Finding Nemo.

What makes How Steve Jobs Changed The World so compelling is that it goes beyond technology to explore his impact on society. It looks at how he broke down barriers within businesses, pushed boundaries in product design and championed innovation over conventionality.

This insightful documentary captures all aspects of Steve Jobs’ remarkable life story – from his rise as a brilliant innovator who disrupted industries through his ability to dream big and think different, to his fall due to a combination of hubris and arrogance which ultimately led to his resignation from Apple in 1985.

This essential must-see documentary will take viewers on an inspiring journey through Steve Job’s contributions across multiple industries and will leave them feeling inspired by his legacy. If you want to understand why this man left such an indelible mark on our lives then don’t miss this thought-provoking exploration into How Steve Jobs Changed The World!