How Racist Are You?

Oct 14, 2022 | Social, Videos

These 30 people do not know. By the end of the day, they may wish they never had. On one day they will be at the mercy of the dog, an American professor retired. Some will say that it is called that for good reason.

For 40 years, Jane Elliott (A Class Divided) has carried out an exercise that has sparked worldwide controversy. She says that reveals the hidden truth about racism in white society. Many disagree, some vehemently. Now sheโ€™s going to bring their extreme methods and message of modern Britain. She is about to divide this group. Their goal: a simulation-style apartheid racist.

The British people will accept his regime or against it? Do you show that all are more racist than we like to admit? How racist are you? is a documentary investigation into one of the most taboo subjects in society.

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Riyan H.