This intriguing documentary showcases the events around the much celebrated Chess match between Garry Kasparov, the greatest chess player who has ever lived and Deep Blue, IBM’s computer, in 1997.
Though Kasparov lost the match and this film focuses on highlighting the incidents from Kasparov’s point of view. The film is very engaging as it includes interviews with Kasparov, who comes across as very charming and IBM’s team who were very open and friendly. The movie illustrates both the good and the bad side of Kasparov as he struggles to maintain his dignity while his temper rises and tries to confront his paranoia. The IBM Company is shown in a slightly negative light as they publicize this event to gain advertising revenue.
The movie keeps claiming that it was the victory of machine’s artificial intelligence over the mortal human being, but subjectively, it can be said that taking every psychological and technical advantage that was available, hordes of computer geniuses and chess grandmasters can definitely put years of efforts into a computer program that beats human beings but that does not undermine the greatness of Kasparov.