Mysteriously beautiful fractals are shaking the world of mathematics and deepening our understanding of nature. You may not know, but fractals, like the air we breathe, are around.
Their irregular, repeating shapes are found in cloud formations and tree limbs, in stalks of broccoli and craggy mountain ranges, even in the human heart rate.
In this film, which takes viewers on a fascinating adventure with a rebel group of mathematicians decided to decipher the rules that govern fractal geometry.
For centuries, fractal-like irregular shapes were considered beyond the boundaries of mathematical understanding. Now, mathematicians have finally begun mapping this uncharted territory.
Their findings are remarkable deepening our understanding of nature and encourage a new wave of scientific innovation, medical and art that extends from the ecology of the rainforest to fashion design.
The documentary highlights a number of filmmakers, fashion designers, doctors and researchers who are using fractal geometry to innovate and inspire. Also check out the fractal: Colors of Infinity.