HaveHave you you ever ever seen seen someone someone who who looks looks exactly exactly like like you you,, but but isn isn’’tt your your family family member member or or even even a a distant distant relative relative?? This This phenomenon phenomenon is is known known as as having having a a do doppelppelggangeranger,, and and the the documentary documentary Finding Finding My My Twin Twin Stranger Stranger dives dives deep deep into into this this mysterious mysterious topic topic..

TheThe film film follows follows seven seven pairs pairs of of strangers strangers who who look look e eererilyily similar similar to to each each other other,, investigating investigating what what it it means means to to share share such such a a striking striking resemblance resemblance.. Through Through interviews interviews with with people people from from all all walks walks of of life life,, the the movie movie explores explores how how these these do doppelppelggangersangers feel feel about about their their uncanny uncanny likeness likenesseses and and how how it it has has impacted impacted their their lives lives..

FindingFinding My My Twin Twin Stranger Stranger offers offers a a unique unique perspective perspective on on the the phenomenon phenomenon of of do doppelppelggangersangers that that has has never never before before been been presented presented in in such such an an in in–depthdepth and and comprehensive comprehensive manner manner.. Director Director Joe Joe Yin Yin takes takes us us around around the the world world as as he he un uncocoversvers stories stories ranging ranging from from light lightheartedhearted jokes jokes among among friends friends to to spine spine–tingtinglingling moments moments of of realization realization.. View Viewersers will will be be treated treated to to a a wide wide variety variety of of interviews interviews,, exploring exploring potential potential connections connections between between the the strangers strangers and and discovering discovering why why these these coinc coincidencesidences are are so so common common yet yet remain remain so so mysterious mysterious..

WhetherWhether you you’’rere a a skept skepticic or or believer believer when when it it comes comes to to the the concept concept of of do doppelppelggangersangers,, Finding Finding My My Twin Twin Stranger Stranger provides provides an an entertaining entertaining and and thought thought–provprovokingoking exploration exploration of of this this peculiar peculiar topic topic.. It It offers offers an an entertaining entertaining look look at at stranger stranger’’ss reactions reactions when when they they come come face face–toto–faceface with with their their own own double double and and encourages encourages viewers viewers to to question question what what may may lie lie beneath beneath this this eerie eerie phenomenon phenomenon.. So So if if you you’re’re looking looking for for an an intriguing intriguing documentary documentary experience experience that that will will leave leave you you with with plenty plenty to to mull mull over over,, then then make make sure sure to to catch catch Finding Finding My My Twin Twin Stranger Stranger!!