The acclaimed documentary Few Words follows the remarkable life story of legendary freeskier Candide Thovex, who has pushed the boundaries of what is possible in the sport for over two decades. From his first foray into skiing as a child to his astounding feats of bravery and skill on the world’s most daring slopes, this film paints a vivid portrait of one of the greatest athletes ever.
Candide’s innate ability to ski was evident from an early age – friends and family members recount tales of his superhuman physical abilities and fearlessness. His aptitude for skiing eventually led him to pursue the dangerous, thrilling world of freestyle snowboarding. He quickly earned admiration and respect amongst his peers for his seemingly effortless mastery of stunts that others could only dream of attempting.
Few Words features some truly awe-inspiring visuals, which highlight Candide’s incredible talent in stunning fashion. We see him navigating steep slopes with remarkable agility, plunging through clouds of powdery snow with perfect grace, and even showcasing his prowess in competitive events such as the Winter X Games and Red Bull Linecatcher Vars 2010. There is no question why so many have been mesmerized by his athletic prowess throughout the years.
Perhaps most affecting is when we witness Candide’s biggest setback: a serious accident during an invitational event in 2007 which left him with a fractured spine. His colleagues were uncertain if he could ever snowboard again or return to competition level sports, but after months of rehabilitation Candide returned to the slopes more determined than ever before.
Few Words offers an inspiring look at one man’s triumphant rise from humble beginnings to become a champion among skiers – a testament to courage and strength in face of adversity. For those looking for an insight into what makes Candide Thovex such a remarkable athlete, be sure not to miss this captivating documentary.