“FDR Pearl Harbor Conspiracy investigates theories on Pearl Harbor and possible conspiracy(s) that have caught popular imagination as to how and why the United States were caught unaware, and how much and when American officials gained knowledge about Japanese plans. The film includes issues of The Pearl Harbor advance – knowledge debate and other similar conspiracies surrounding Pearl Harbor. According to the conspiracy theories various parties knew about the attack. But, they remained silent probably to force America in to war. It is documented that during the lead up to the attack, the commander of the Japanese task force, Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, received bulletins from Vice Consul Tadashi Morimura in Hawaii. From what the film claims Yoshikawa’s bulletins were intercepted, decrypted, and translated by the Office of Naval Intelligence. These intercepts were also sent to Washington, but Admiral Kimmel did not receive this information. He however does not mention that many of these were not decrypted or translated before the Japanese attack.”
FDR Pearl Harbor Conspiracy

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Riyan H.