Enron, once a juggernaut among corporate giants, was the subject of Alex Gibney’s 2006 documentary which examined how the Houston-based firm rose to meteoric heights and then plummeted to disgraceful depths. At the time of writing, Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling, two of the key players in Enron’s downfall, were about to go on trial for their part in the company’s pillaging.
The documentary delves deep into the company’s complex business practices that are alleged to have been fraudulent activities – a shell game of sorts – resulting in thousands of employees and investors losing out while top officers benefited with vast financial gains. The film is an emotional rollercoaster and an engrossing suspense thriller that showcases all the elements of Greek tragedy – hubris playing a large role in bringing down its protagonists who were brimming with arrogance, pride, and power.
For those who haven’t seen it yet, Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room is a must-see documentary that offers an in-depth look at this notorious American scandal. As well as providing an enthralling narrative about what went wrong at Enron, it also provides thought-provoking insights into human nature and how unchecked ambition can lead to greed and corruption. Don’t miss out on this riveting piece of work!