“‘Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy’ tells the tale of the horrors of war. On December 7, 1975 Indonesia secretly the small nation of East Timor with the support of the Western powers including the US, the UK, and Australia. Even though two Australian television crews attempting to document the invasion were murdered, John Pilger and his crew including director David Munro, slipped into East Timor in 1993 and made this film, hiding from the still occupying Indonesian army. This film shows how in 18 years, and one of the worst mass-murders of the 20th century, an estimated 200,000 East Timorese – 1/3 of the population – had been slaughtered by the Indonesian military. Pilger risks his life and using clandestine footage of the countryside, internment camps and even Fretlin guerillas, as well as interviews with Timorese exiles, including Jose Ramos Horta and Jose Gusmao, and Australian, British, and Indonesian diplomats brings to the world this horrifying truth.”
Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy
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Riyan H.