Jul 1, 2023 | Crime, Videos

Melissa Jenkins was a beloved Vermont science teacher and mother whose true crime case stands out from the rest. Tragically, she disappeared in 2012 and has yet to be found. The case of Melissa Jenkins is an unsolved mystery that captivated the nation. Now, a new true crime documentary is exploring this case and bringing it back into the public consciousness.

The documentary series, titled “In Search of Melissa Jenkins” will take viewers on an investigative journey through this mysterious disappearance. Through interviews with family members, law enforcement officials, and other experts involved in the investigation, viewers will get an inside look at the events surrounding this tragedy. The filmmakers have spent eight years researching and delving deep into this shocking story in order to bring a comprehensive narrative about Melissa Jenkins’s life and her untimely death to light.


This compelling documentary series will not only provide insight into what happened to Melissa Jenkins but also give viewers a chance to explore themes such as violence against women, grief associated with unsolved crimes, and how families cope with such pain. By examining eyewitness accounts and evidence presented by investigators over the years, “In Search of Melissa Jenkins” hopes to shed some light on this decades-long mystery so that justice may finally be served for Melissa Jenkins and her loved ones.

As fans of true crime documentaries know, each story has its own power and unique understanding of the events that unfolded — especially when dealing with unsolved cases like that of Melissa Jenkins. Therefore, don’t miss your chance to delve deep into this gripping mystery by watching “In Search of Melissa Jenkins” releasing two episodes every week – one on Friday evenings at 8 pm EST / 5 pm PST and one on Sunday evenings at 10 pm EST / 7 pm PST.. Don’t miss your chance to explore this touching story and learn more about one woman’s tragic tale — tune-in today!

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David B