This show is all about dinosaurs inside and out to reveal their structures, lives and the way they lived.
Extreme Survivors: Dinosaur bodies got better adapted to their environment than any mammal today due to 120 million years of evolution. Latest science shows us how the anatomical secrets made them such incredible survivors.
Perfect Predators: The Cretaceous Period spawned walking death machines with razor-sharp implements, savage combination of speed, brainpower, and eyesight. The anatomical secrets of these bloodthirsty carnivores are also revealed by latest science.
The Defenders: Cretaceous are not dominated by Predators, however the plant eaters are. And their bodies are built in such a way that they can take a beating. Through latest science we also come to know about the anatomical secrets that made the world’s largest vegetarians such successful survivors in a world of claws and teeth.
Generations: It took more than a million generations for dinosaurs to get adapted to a changing planet. But each successful generation boils down to a single encounter between two like-minded reptiles. Anatomical secrets to life and love among dinosaurs are revealed by the latest science.