In the second season of Chain Gang Girls, viewers are given an unprecedented look into America’s only female chain gang. This documentary series follows the remarkable journey of a group of women as they embark on their month-long incarceration in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s jail system.
The ladies in the chain gang face many unique challenges, including intense emotional and physical strain while being shackled and supervised 24 hours a day. Viewers get to know these brave individuals intimately, learning about their personal histories, motivations and dreams for the future. The documentary offers not only an emotional portrait of the inmates, but also a glimpse into the harsh realities faced by those running such a system – from Sheriff Arpaio himself to the officers tasked with enforcing discipline.
By giving us a look into this world from both sides of the fence, Chain Gang Girls 2 reveals how systemic issues such as racism, sexism and poverty shape our criminal justice system – and how we can strive for reform. This captivating mini-series is sure to provide insight and inspiration for all who watch it. So don’t miss out on this must-see documentary; tune in now to see what life is really like inside America’s only female chain gang!