Broad Street Bullies

Jun 30, 2024 | Social, Videos

The Philadelphia Flyers have been a legendary team since their expansion into the National Hockey League in 1967. But it was not until 1974 that they truly began to leave an indelible mark on the world of hockey, with their first Stanley Cup win and three consecutive finals appearances to follow. This winning streak earned them the nickname “Broad Street Bullies”, immortalizing their accomplishments on ice.

Now, thirty years later, this legacy is celebrated in Broad Street Bullies: The Documentary, an exciting recounting of those glory days of hockey. Through interviews with key players and broadcasters involved with the team during that period, along with photos and video clips from the time, this documentary brings viewers back to those thrilling days when Philadelphia proudly held two Stanley Cups.

The Flyers were led by some of the most memorable characters in hockey history, including captain Bobby Clarke and goaltender Bernie Parent; their hard-nosed style of play earned them respect throughout the league, and many still view them as one of the greatest teams ever assembled.

This documentary is a must-see for any fan—not just those who were there when it all happened—to experience firsthand why these players are still revered today. It sheds light on what made these men so great at their craft and will give viewers an even deeper appreciation for the game itself. So if you’re looking for a fascinating look into one of hockey’s greatest dynasties, be sure to check out Broad Street Bullies: The Documentary!

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David B