Bloomberg Game Changers: Steve Jobs

Jul 22, 2023 | Business, Technology, Videos


GAME CHANGERS is an insightful documentary on the life and career of the late Steve Jobs. Spanning interviews with those who knew him best, such as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, former Apple CEO John Scully, journalist and venture capitalist Michael Moritz, Dreamworks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, former Apple “Mac Evangelist” Guy Kawasaki and technology journalist Robert X. Cringely, this thought-provoking documentary reveals a side to the private genius that few people got to experience.

Through these interviews, you will gain an understanding of Jobs’ legendary style of leadership, management and creative process. You will see how his drive for perfection shaped the future of technology and changed the world in ways that few could have imagined. His accomplishments are celebrated throughout this documentary – from launching the first personal computer to revolutionizing mobile computing. As well as hearing from those closest to him, game changers also takes viewers behind the scenes at some of Apple’s most iconic products launches – giving us a glimpse into what made Steve Jobs so successful.

No matter what your interest is in technology or business – whether you’re a fan of Apple or just fascinated by innovative success stories – GAME CHANGERS is guaranteed to be entertaining and enlightening. Don’t miss out on watching this fascinating documentary on Bloomberg TV every Thursday at 9 p.m ET! Tune in to get an insider’s look into one of the greatest innovators of our time!

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David B