In the documentary film, “The Last Pillar of Bavaria,” viewers get a glimpse into the world of marksmen clubs in Upper Bavaria, as well as the political and cultural upheaval that is threatening their traditions. The film follows Günther Hochhäuser, a passionate marksman who fights to maintain the heritage and values of his homeland. As Hochhäuser and other marksmen prepare for the upcoming elections, they face the possibility of their pillars of strength crumbling beneath them.
The film explores the history and significance of marksmanship in Bavaria, with its deep roots in cultural lore and tradition. Viewers also get a behind-the-scenes look at the Inn-Chiemgau shooting club, which is emblematic of the marksmanship culture in Bavaria. As the documentary examines the political climate in Bavaria, it becomes clear that the traditions upheld by the marksmen clubs are increasingly at risk. Will these cultural treasures survive in the face of change? Tune in to “The Last Pillar of Bavaria” to find out.