Americana: Slab City

Jun 25, 2023 | Social, Videos

The Imperial Valley of California is no ordinary place. A fascinating documentary by VICE shines a spotlight on this unique region, uncovering a wealth of environmental issues and an extraordinary collection of inhabitants. From the air pollution that plagues the area to the sudden die-off of bees, from sewage-filled rivers to unexpected communities – it’s all here in the heart of California.

Take a journey into Slab City, where locals have made their home for free since the late 1940s. Here you’ll find an eclectic mix of characters: army veterans, hippies, tweakers and other eccentrics who give this place its unique flavor. In the early 90s, it was like a giant flea market—nowadays it offers something far more interesting. Believe it or not, this land is actually owned by California’s Teachers’ Union!

With no strip malls or apartment buildings in sight, no crowded freeways or polluted beaches, no dune buggies or off-road racing – this is an utterly distinctive corner of California with its own unique culture and history. The documentary captures all these stories in vivid detail and is essential viewing for anyone wanting to learn about the real Imperial Valley. Don’t miss out on one of the most intriguing documentaries around; take a trip into Slab City and be inspired!

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David B