The Amazing Johnathan, nicknamed “The Madman of Magic,” was a Las Vegas icon for over a decade. Johnathan Edward Szeles enthralled audiences with his outrageous antics that blended comedy and magic. His trademark style of self-deprecating humor made him beloved by fans around the world.

Johnathan was an innovator in the art of illusion, often pushing the boundaries of what people thought possible. He consistently astounded audiences with his daring stunts and captivated them with his off-the-cuff remarks and witticisms.

Sadly, Johnathan’s health began to decline in 2018 which caused him to cut short his final string of performance dates. The documentary about him, titled The Amazing Johnathan Documentary directed by Ben Berman, focuses on this incredible journey and paints a vivid picture of one man’s struggles against all odds.

This feature offers viewers a rare glimpse into the life and times of this most unusual performer and magician. It chronicles his courage as he battles through illness while sharing funny stories from legendary shows such as “The Oddity Fair” or “Comedy is Magic!”

Whether you’re an admirer of the art form or simply looking for an entertaining documentary, The Amazing Johnathan Documentary is sure to please. With amazing visuals and fantastic audio narration, it’s truly an experience not to be missed! So don’t hesitate – treat yourself to a night at the movies watching this captivating story about one of Las Vegas’ greatest entertainers: The Amazing Johnathan.