“This is possibly the best documentary review of the events of the fateful day 9/11 2001 when the Trade Towers in New York were completely destroyed by what is believed to be a shocking terrorist attack.
You cannot fail to be moved by this documentary and after more than a decade the message is still as poignant as ever and I personally remember the day in my Operations Centre workplace when I witnessed the events of this tragic day on a full video wall in front of all the operators…all calls were treated differently when the realisation of the immense loss was becoming realised.
This documentary is one of many made surrounding the events of 9/11 and is an award winning documentary in it’s own right. The capture of the shocking footage of people having to throw themselves to their certain death will live with anyone seeing them forever.
Any documentary about such personal and global tragedy will be upsetting and traumatic but they need to be shown so that we and our children do not forget how vulnerable we all are.
We may wonder whether this was indeed a terrorist attack or some complex government conspiracy but the stark reality surrounds the tragic deaths of so many on this tragic day…if you wish to explore the search for the perpetrators of this then use this link.”