Terms and Conditions May Apply

Jul 24, 2024 | Social, Videos

Terms and Conditions May Apply, a powerful and insightful documentary directed by Cullen Hoback, dives into the murky depths of online privacy. It features exclusive interviews with some of the most iconic figures in technology such as Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, and Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google.

The film provides an eye-opening look into how our private information is collected and used without us ever being aware. It highlights various ways in which companies are able to access data without asking for consent. With the rise of social media platforms, it’s more important than ever to be aware of our own safety online.

This captivating documentary follows individuals from all around the globe who have had their personal data abused for financial gain or other malicious purposes. Through their stories, we learn about the consequences that come from giving away too much information on the internet. The film paints a vivid picture of what can happen when our data isn’t secure and motivates us to take better precautions when using any type of online service or platform.

Anybody interested in learning more about online privacy should watch Terms and Conditions May Apply. Not only will viewers be enlightened but they will also be armed with greater knowledge to make smarter choices while navigating the world wide web.

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David B