Places That Don’t Exist

Jul 19, 2024 | Social, Videos

Simon Reeve embarks on a remarkable journey to uncover some of the world’s most unknown and unrecognized nations. Nations that are not officially recognized by any other country, and many times have been forgotten about as a result. On his incredible journey he will visit areas such as Somaliland, Transniestria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Ajaria, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Somalia, Moldova, Taiwan, and the former Soviet republic of Georgia.

These places are incredibly unique in their own way: each with a distinct culture and identity that Simon will explore throughout his documentary series. He will meet with locals from each area and get to know more about their stories and struggles throughout the years. Not only that but we’ll also witness first hand how these people have managed to survive so far without official recognition from any other nation.

This is a story of hope amidst great adversity – one which is sure to leave viewers feeling captivated by the resilience of these hidden countries. Each nation has its own unique history which is often glossed over by mainstream media outlets – but Simon is determined to uncover the truth behind them all. With beautiful visuals and emotional interviews conducted with locals this documentary series promises to be a remarkable exploration into some of the world’s obscurest countries.

So why not take an hour out of your day to experience something truly special: watch Simon Reeve’s documentary now and get inspired by his exploration into these unrecognized nations! Get ready for an exciting journey through some of this world’s most deeply moving places – ones where even their own existence often goes unnoticed or ignored.

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David B