Paper Orphans

Jul 10, 2024 | Social, Videos

Adoption is a powerful and often emotional topic, especially when it comes to countries like Nepal. Every year, dozens of Nepalese children are adopted into the United States or Europe. However, the process is not without its issues; in 2010, Nepal tightened its adoption laws due to international pressure. But despite this, there have been reports of serious illegal trafficking of children from Nepal, with many of these trafficked children ending up in Western nations.

To understand more about this complex issue and learn about the stories of those involved, the documentary “Adopted from Nepal” provides a detailed overview. It looks at how families have been affected by having their children adopted to other countries and delves into the ethical implications surrounding trans-national adoption. The film also examines the actions taken by authorities in both Nepal and abroad in order to combat child trafficking and exploitation.

“Adopted from Nepal” is an important documentary that sheds much-needed light on a difficult subject. It can be emotionally powerful at times and offers invaluable insight into an issue that has tremendous consequences for families around the world. We encourage you to watch this documentary so that you can learn more about this pressing issue and gain a deeper understanding of what it means for families involved in this process.

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David B