Social documentaries

Banged Up Abroad

This series tells the true story would be the worst nightmare of any traveler – when a holiday in paradise becomes a...

The Exile Nation Project

The Land of the Free punishes or imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation. This collection of testimonials...

Every F*cking Day of My Life

Married at 16 years – with 18 years of violence that followed – Wendy left terrified. It took courage to face her...

Massacre at Virginia Tech

This information documentary story behind Cho Seung Hui, a South Korean student at Virginia Tech University, who has...

The Sustainable City

What will the city of the future look like? Will it be the same smog infested concrete jungle or will it be something...

Preview West of Memphis

This a powerful examination of a catastrophic failure of justice in Arkansas. The documentary tells the hitherto...

The Fall of the Yakuza

The once-feared Japanese mob is on the verge of extinction. Targeted by new laws, rapidly ageing, and unable to find...