The Human Face is an intriguing and captivating four-part BBC documentary series that delves deep into the science of facial beauty, expression, and fame. Led by John Cleese – a renowned actor, comedian, visiting professor, and best-selling author on psychology – viewers are taken on an eye-opening journey to discover the secrets hidden behind the mask of our identities.
This extraordinary series combines cutting-edge technology with artistry and human interest stories to explore the complex nature of facial features. From examining how our faces influence our perception of ourselves and others to uncovering the mystery of creativity and sexuality, The Human Face takes us on a fascinating ride through the realm of human identity.
The breathtaking cinematography helps viewers connect with each emotional story while learning from experts in diverse fields such as psychology, neurology, anthropology, chemistry, genetics and more. With riveting interviews with leading scientists along with everyday people whose lives have been impacted by their appearance or circumstances surrounding it, this documentary will leave you feeling inspired.
This thought-provoking BBC series offers a unique look into what makes us who we are – an experience that everyone should take part in at least once in their lifetime. Whether you’re interested in learning more about yourself or want to gain a better understanding of those around you, The Human Face is a must watch!