Science documentaries

The Secret World of Pain

For most of us, pain as a concept is something that does not spare a second thought: you stub your toe, it hurts a...

Stress: Portrait of a Killer

Prolonged, sustained stress, excessive, and the similar response to that not only causes a deterioration in his brain,...

Google Me

Jim Killeen, a filmmaker ‘Googled’ his name in a moment of idle net surfing. But he did not stop there; he made the...

In the Shadow of the Moon

There have only been twelve men to walk upon the surface of another world. In this documentary each and every one of...

Origins of Us

Dr Alice Roberts uncovers how your body recounts the account of human advancement. The way you look, think and carry...

Genius of Pythagoras

Pythagoras of Samos was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, and founder of the Pythagoreanism movement. He is...

The Machine That Made Us

Stephen Fry scrutinizes the story behind the making of the first media entrepreneur, Johann Gutenberg, who is also the...