Science documentaries

Sperm Whale Vs giant squid

The battle between the Sperm Whale and Giant Squid is an iconic clash of titans that has captivated people for...

Chemical weapons in Germany

For decades, chemical weapons have been a threat to human life and the environment. Nowhere is this problem more...

Archeology 2.0

Archeology 2.0 is a groundbreaking documentary that showcases the incredible advances in modern technology that are...

Ape to Man

The search for the origins of humanity has been an age-old mystery that has captivated humans since the beginning of...

Apollo Zero

In 1969, something extraordinary happened – the United States was the first country to send a man to the moon. After...

The Ambien Effect

Ambien, also known as Zolpidem tartrate, is a widely used sleeping aid that has been prescribed to millions of...