Science documentaries

Chemistry: A Volatile History

Chemistry has been a captivating subject of study for centuries, and now you can find out why with the new three-part...

End Day

End Day is an award-winning docu-drama produced by the BBC and aired on the National Geographic Channel. It brings to...

Secrets of the Mind

In the intriguing documentary, Secrets of the Mind, Professor V.S. Ramachandran explores the power of the human brain...

The Cell

The BBC documentary series, The Secrets of the Living Cell, hosted by Dr Adam Rutherford, is a journey into the world...


Albert Einstein is one of the most influential figures of the modern world. His theories and discoveries have shaped...

What Darwin Never Knew

The wonders of the world are abundant and awe-inspiring; from the soaring peaks of the Himalayas to the depths of the...

Search for the Edge of Space

The fascinating universe, with its seemingly endless distances and unimaginable time scales, has forever captivated...

Destination Titan

The British scientific team has embarked on an unprecedented journey of exploration – a seven-year mission to Saturn’s...