Hearts and Minds

Jul 25, 2024 | Science, Videos

David Malone, a renowned science documentary filmmaker, recently came to Papworth Hospital in Cambridgeshire on the invitation of Mr. Francis Wells, a renowned Consultant Surgeon. With Mr. Wells’s permission, he was allowed to witness open heart surgery, something he had always wanted to do.

The human heart is an amazing and complex organ that has been symbolically represented throughout history in literature, religion and philosophy. It is the vital organ that keeps us alive and it possesses its own language and poetic properties. The importance of this delicate organ cannot be overstated; it is unique among other organs in the body.

This experience will form part of an upcoming documentary by David Malone, which will explore the intricacies of the human heart as well as open heart surgery itself. The documentary promises to be an enlightening watch for all viewers who have ever wondered about how our hearts function and how they are kept beating day after day. Through expert interviews, breathtaking visuals and up-close footage, David Malone’s documentary will provide a unique perspective into what lies at the core of our being—the human heart.

We invite you to take part in this journey and watch this intriguing documentary as it unfolds all its secrets on one captivating platform: David Malone’s latest work!

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David B