
May 28, 2024 | Religion, Videos

At the tender age of 16, Anna Wexler courageously chose to break away from the Orthodox Jewish community she had grown up in since birth. Her decision was rooted in a rejection of both the restrictive religious doctrine and social norms they sought to instill within her. However, it came at a heavy cost as she was disowned by her family and suddenly found herself without any support system.

This journey of self-discovery is explored in the riveting documentary film “Breaking Free”, directed by Wexler herself. Within this film, one is able to witness firsthand how challenging yet ultimately powerful this experience can be for someone so young. It brings into focus not only issues surrounding religion and culture but further delves into deeper topics such as identity, independence, and ultimately one’s sense of belonging.

The documentary also features exclusive interviews with experts on Orthodox Judaism as well as members of Wexler’s own family who provide starkly different perspectives on why she made the choice she did. This making for an incredibly insightful exploration that provides viewers with thought-provoking content that everyone can take something away from.

Breaking Free is an inspiring story that highlights the power we all have within us regardless of our age or background to follow our dreams and make our own paths in life. To learn more about this courageous young woman’s story and its impact on those around her, watch Breaking Free today!

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David B