Top Ten (Failed) Proofs for God’s ExistenceBob Dutko has presented an intriguing documentary series, examining the Top 10 Proofs for the Existence of God. This...
The Third JihadThe Third Jihad, the newest offering from the producers of the award-winning documentary film Obsession, is an...
Bangladesh: Vigilantes of the ProphetIn Bangladesh, Islamist vigilantes are wreaking havoc on the country's civil society. In a series of horrific machete...
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: A Way of LifeDeath is a universal and inevitable truth, one that comes unexpectedly and without warning. The Tibetan Book of the...
The Thinking AtheistFor years, people have asked questions about God and religion that don't seem to have any clear answers. In the new...
Louis Theroux on Fundamentalist ChristianityIn Louis Theroux’s documentary, Fundamentalist Christianity, viewers are given an in-depth look into the beliefs and...
Cyprus: Forbidden Love IslandMany couples in the Middle East face a unique challenge when it comes to marriage. In this predominantly Muslim...
The Lost GospelsAnglican priest Pete Owen Jones presents an eye-opening documentary that dives into the unknown depths of ancient...
The Life of MuhammadThe three-part documentary series, presented by Rageh Omaar, provides a detailed and comprehensive exploration into...
The Life of BuddhaThe story of Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as The Buddha, is one of immense spiritual journey and growth. Born in...
Exorcisms: The Battle for Young MindsPadre Manuel Acuna has become a controversial figure in the eyes of both believers and skeptics alike. His faith...
The Exodus DecodedThe groundbreaking documentary The Exodus Decoded by filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici has been making waves in the world of...
Evolution Vs. GodEvolution vs. God, a documentary short by Christian evangelist Ray Comfort, seeks to challenge the beliefs of those...
The God Who Wasn’t ThereIn this groundbreaking documentary, Brian Flemming shines a light on the inner workings of fundamentalist...
Jonestown: The Final ReportThe tragic events that transpired in Jonestown, Guyana, remain one of the most shocking and heartbreaking cases in...
How Ukraine Breaks Free From The Russian Church | The Orthodox SplitThe Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has caused irreparable damage to the centuries-long relationship...
Jesus of SiberiaFor more than two decades, Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop has been known as Vissarion to thousands of his devoted...
Jesus FreaksCreationfest is a unique event that takes place every summer in Eastern Washington, where thousands of Christian...