God’s Architect: Antoni Gaudi’s glorious visionAntonio Gaudi is widely considered one of the most genius architects in history. The entire city of Barcelona is like...
Undercover MosqueThe British Prime Minister Tony Blair recently described tolerance as’ what makes Britain Britain, but extensive...
All God’s ChildrenThrough the eyes of three families, the children of God tells the personal story of the first boarding school for...
The Holy Grail and five more alleged relics of JesusPeople always felt a strong need to get close to objects that are associated with Jesus Christ, the founder of...
The story of a FallaIn Valencia, Spain, there is a rather unconventional custom. Every year, 400 falla monuments are put in the city. The...
The Road To Armageddon: A Spiritual DocumentaryIn the New Testament, the word Armageddon represents the last battle between good and evil before the Day of Judgment....
Louis Theroux: Fundamentalist Christianity<p>The odd weekends Louis Theroux is a television documentary series, in which Louis Theroux gives viewers the...
Secret Sex Rituals of the Illuminati Exposed Part IDid you know that a masked ball is actually an Illuminati ritual? And an Illuminati sex ritual for that matter? Masked...
To Catch A Prophet – The Animated Documentary on the Prophet MuhammadThe Prophet Muhammad is the founder of Islam. According to the Islamic doctrine, he was a prophet, sent to present and...
The Mightiest Gods Of Chinese Mythology | The Gods Of ChinaWhen we talk about gods and mythology, we often talk about Greek Gods and Roman Gods. But there are so many other...
Alfred Jewel – A priceless piece of jewelryYou cannot put price on everything. One of the popular slogans of Mastercard is “priceless, for everything else there...
God of Wonders Documentarywww.eternal-productions.org Exploring the Wonders of Creation, Conscience, and the Glory of God! God's wonders...
Protestant ReformationThis BBC documentary summarizes and explains one of the most pivotal points in western history; The Reformation. After...
Hooked: Getting High from PainSelf-harm, which is also known as self-injury, is by definition “intentional, direct injuring of body tissue, done...
Dorothy Day – Controversial Journalist and Servant of GodBorn on November 8, 1897, Dorothy Day was an American journalist, social activist and Catholic convert. She lived a...
26,450 Year Old Hindu Idol of Lord Shiva – Kalpa VigrahaLord Shiva is the third god in the Hindu triumvirate, which consists of three gods responsible for creation, upkeep,...
The Lost GodsIs there a God? It’s an eternal question that all ancient civilizations have responded. Not one God, but with hundreds...
Occult Forces – Illuminati Movie truth that killed the directorThe French movie “Occult Forces”, or “Forces occultes” in original is one of the most controversial movies of all...