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How Beer Saved the World

Did you know that beer was central to the birth of civilization? That’s right – beer. Scientists and historians are...

Israel’s Secret Weapon

Israel’s Secret Weapon Which country in the Middle East has undeclared Nuclear weapons? Which country in the Middle...

China Rises – Getting Rich

China is well-known for the ability to rise and achieve more with science. In the past 30 years China has been the...

Broken Records

Arab culture has always been known for its traditional and ancient practices, however, in recent years there has been...

Paul Sykes: At Large

Paul Sykes, a heavyweight boxer and weightlifter from Wakefield, England, was known for more than just his ten...

A diary about anorexia

She shares her most intimate moments, stories and what has happened that brought her to the condition. And then she...

America: Destroyed by Design

This documentary covers a wide array of issues and reveals how The United States’ sovereignty is being compromised for...

Horizon – Life on Mars

"You've probably heard about the existence of water on Mars. But what does this actually mean? Is there a slight...

Police Brutality

In this documentary you will have a chance to see the raw, uncut video footage of what happens when the...

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